
Msbeautyhair teach you how to wash curly Hair

1 Use shampoo and conditioners designed for damaged hair. Curly hair is dryer than regular hair, and because of this it's more prone to damage. It's a good idea to baby your hair slightly during the shampooing process if you have curly hair. Purchase shampoos made for damaged hair, which include milder ingredients that are less taxing on hair. You can probably get by using a drugstore or department store brand of shampoo. The ingredients used in salon style products in comparison to generic varieties are fairly similar. If you can't find a shampoo for dry or damaged hair, some stores sell shampoos for curly hair specifically. The formula in these shampoos are similar to the formula in most products sold for damaged hair.
2 Limit shampooing your hair. If you have curly hair, you should not shampoo every day. Shampooing can dry out hair and cause it to look frizzier. Shampoo your hair no more than twice a week. When you do shampoo, you can expect some tangles afterwords. Curly hair is very prone to tangles. Brush it gently to avoid damaging your hair.
3 Co-wash your hair regularly. Co-washing simply means conditioning your hair in the shower but not adding shampoo. This can be particularly beneficial to curly hair, as it needs moisture replenished more often than regular hair. Read product labels before choosing a conditioner. Products that contain silicone-based ingredients, which are ingredients that end in "-one", should be avoided. Such products will be very harsh on your hair. After conditioning your hair, see how it feels. If you hair feels spongy or mushy, you may be over-doing it. You usually only need a quarter-sized drop of conditioner.If you have dermatitis, co-washing may make your condition worse. Talk to a dermatologist before you begin co-washing.
4 Deep condition when your hair feels dry or damaged. Deep conditioning treatments are important to replenish moisture in curly hair that has dried out. If your hair starts to feel frizzy and dry, do a deep conditioning treatment and see if it helps.[6] Apply a conditioner to your hair before getting into the shower. Place a shower cap over your head, covering your hair completely. Shower with the cap in place. The heat and steam from the shower helps lock in the conditioner's moisture. When you're done, rinse out the conditioner and brush as usual. 5 Use a towel over a t-shirt for drying curly hair. Curly hair may not take well to being dried with a towel. A towel can irritate your hair, causing frizz. Instead, use a light t-shirt to gently dab your hair dry. Ideally, you should go for a t-shirt made out of a lighter material. More information please visit www.msbeautyhair.com

