
Preventing Knots When Grooming

Brush your hair before you wash it. Always use a wide-tooth comb or a paddle brush with plastic tipped bristles,and comb through your hair before showering. This will help stop your hair from tangling when you wash it.
As a general rule of thumb, don’t comb or brush your hair when it’s wet, as wet hair is more prone to damage and breakage.
Shampoo properly. Wash your hair by focusing your shampooing on the scalp, rather than the hair, and never pile your hair on top of your scalp.[3] Use a natural shampoo that doesn’t contain sulfates or harsh detergents, as these can dry out your hair.
· Don’t wash your hair every day, as this can strip your hair of oils, leaving it dry and more prone to breakage.
Condition after you shampoo. After you shampoo, work a conditioner into your hair with your fingers and remove any tangles. When you have removed all the knots, gently comb through with a wide-toothed comb.
· You shouldn’t normally brush your hair when it’s wet, but as long as you remove all the tangles first, use conditioner, and use the right comb, you can do this in the shower to distribute the conditioner evenly.
· If you have thick, course, and tightly curled hair, condition your hair twice daily as opposed to just once. Condition once in the morning or after you shampoo your hair, and again before bed with a moisturizer or leave-in conditioner
Dry your hair gently. Instead of wrapping, twisting, or rubbing your hair, gently squeeze it with a towel to get out the excess moisture. It’s also best to avoid heat products, such as blow dryers and flat irons, which can dry out your hair and leave it prone to damage and tangling.
· If you must blow dry your hair, towel and air dry it first to cut down on the blow dryer time.
Moisturize hair regularly. Healthy and moisturized hair is less likely to knot and tangle,so along with regular conditioning, try a weekly hair mask or deep conditioning.
To deep condition, work a quarter-sized dollop of deep conditioner into your hair. Wrap your head with a shower cap or plastic wrap, and allow it to rest for 30 minutes to an hour before rinsing.
Seal the tips of your hair. After you condition your hair, apply a hair butter or oil to the tips. This will seal in the moisturizing conditioner and help smooth and relax the ends of the hair, thereby preventing them from coiling around themselves and forming knots.
This step can be skipped if you have fine or medium hair, but should be followed for hair that’s thick, coarse, and tightly curled.
Gently stretch the ends of your hair. This is particularly useful for tightly curled hair, as the stretching will prevent the hair from coiling around itself and forming single-strand knots. You can stretch the tips of your hair by wrapping the ends around rollers.
You can also protect your hair from knots by using hair styles that stretch your hair, such as twists, braids, and buns.
Read more please click www.msbeautyhair.com

